Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Go-Naminori Magazine Launch! Shimmer styles again ;)

Go Naminori
Launches Vol 3 "Surf Your Dream"
& guess who their "Chief Stylist" is?

If you said "Shimmer"
you guessed it right!

"I'm so excited to be a part of Go-Naminori Magazine.
My goal is to contribute in sharing the beauty we have to offer
from Hawai‘i. We have some of the most exotic locations and people
in the world who radiate beauty and positive energy.
The models we selected for Go-Naminori Vol. 3 are a great example."

~Tiare Thomas~

Shimmer (Tiare Thomas) styles her first swim suit spread
Check out sizzling & sexy bikini's from

Jewelery from Noelani Designs

modeled by Hawai'i's own Niche Models

Hair & Make Up by:
Andrea from PYNK Salon

We hope you enjoy this.
It's allaballaaalaadelicious!


Saturday, July 24, 2010


The Shimmer & Lace collection
is officially here!

"Shimmer & Lace is a summer collection inspired by socialites Shimmer- Tiare, and Lace- Lacy. The collection is glamourous & sexy, add a bit of shimmer and lots of lace. With a selection of pretty lace dresses and versatile lacy tops, it makes it easy to dress up in Shimmer & Lace and go out to have some
summer fun,"

-Acid Dolls Owner Cindy King

"Imagine urban meeting fancy-
this collection is feminine and flirty at the same time.
The lace accents are of course my favorite.
I'm so stoked that Cindy King of Acid Dolls
really captured the idea of Shimmer and Lace"

- Lacy Matsumoto of Shimmer & Lace

"This collection is classy, yet flirty and fun!
These designs make you feel like a real life Barbie Doll,
& brings out that pretty girl in us all!"

-Tiare Thomas of Shimmer & Lace

Royal Hawaiian Shopping Center
2233 Kalakaua Avenue B-303
Honolulu, HI 96815
(808) 387-9682



LA seewhy

I've always been fond of LA.
I look past the traffic, because when you add LA + CY = LACY !!!

SO I'm taking in California, and making a mixtape

Got to catch the THEJUMPOFFS as they set up for a recording sess.

Make sure to stay dialed in to THE JUMPOFFS for information on their new album.

I had an amazing meal at the Chavez home, in the City of Compton.

This kid Xavier played FISHING with me.

I won.  Then ate some pollo jugo con arroz y lentejaus.

Christian Savage brought Nicky Savage a panda bear hat from San Francisco.
So I rocked it.

Rocked the hat pretty hard.

Landon Tom from the THEJUMPOFFS is cool.
*But kids, smoking is not.

He's in LA.. I mentioned their mixtape.  Just wanted to remind you.

have a mix based on the song "IN THE CLOUDS"

cop it HERE

FIERO is my mentor. Like yoda- but they're kinda cuter.  And as a young jedi, I'm also part samurai.

I chose them as teachers, because they're MASTERS. 
And when I'm at club10255, it's like being in the best university, college, school whatever.

Fiero consists of:

They made a mixtape that is priceless.  And will probably never get dated.

The les aerobiques mixtape, Soundcloud download here.

So I'm still here in LA.  I've got to finish this mixtape, then I'm heading back to HAWAII for SHIMMER's birthday party at APARTM3NT.



Shimmmerrrr DOWN




SHiiiiiimmmmMmmmmMmmmerrrrrr all AROUND!

It's SHIMMER's Birthday!

Come celebrate THIS Friday at

Make sure to wear your SHIMMER...

Think disco balls....



Get ready to SHIMMY down with music by The Hot Muffins
Drink Specials
Gourmet Food



To join us for dinner, email

Lace in Chicago

Life is full of music.. and Chicago is the kind of city that reminds you of that.


I made my own theme song as we drove into the 
City of Gotham- 
excuse me.. Chicago.
Ask me sometime and I'll sing it to you...

So if Chicago City is known for their diverse culture, amazing cuisine, & MUSIC what does an island girl do???

I was lucky enough to see some live shows at Lincoln Hall & VLive. The lighting & sound in both venues ROCKED.
I think one of my favorite moments was listening to Hollywoold Holt & his latest projects while riding the train to get some soul food.
tat tat tat tat .. train track.

I spent Sunday in Union Park for the Pitchfork Festival.

Saw a pitchfork at the Museum of Modern art.

Loook.........bikes on a fence.

It's kinda neat that everyone locks their bikes up on the fences.

Makes me wanna ride a bike.

Summer in Chicago is gorgeous!
I know it's NOT Hawaii... but, this Michigan Lake is pretty awesome 
& made me feel like I wasn't so far off the island.

Stay tuned for another post, with music links to artists that are pretty full of Chi-Fun ;)



Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Day3 Japanese Music Video with Shimmer & Friends

3rd Day...
& another rainbow in the sky.

6:00 am
We started Day 3 with...
Big smiles, coffee, and chocolate.

Wig Time ;)

We kidnapped our friend Lance.
Check out his magic at

Surfed my favorite spot...
in wigs, leotards, and matching nails & surfboards.

Trying to keep on a wig while surfing
and purposely wipeing out is very tricky.

Made a friend.

We must have paddled around and surfed
at least 8 times in 2 days.
Each time we would come in,
we would check out the footage.
The production crew set up their equipment
in the parking lot.

6:30 pm
And that's a wrap!

Stay tuned...
for the music video "Life" and a little touch of
