Saturday, July 24, 2010


LA seewhy

I've always been fond of LA.
I look past the traffic, because when you add LA + CY = LACY !!!

SO I'm taking in California, and making a mixtape

Got to catch the THEJUMPOFFS as they set up for a recording sess.

Make sure to stay dialed in to THE JUMPOFFS for information on their new album.

I had an amazing meal at the Chavez home, in the City of Compton.

This kid Xavier played FISHING with me.

I won.  Then ate some pollo jugo con arroz y lentejaus.

Christian Savage brought Nicky Savage a panda bear hat from San Francisco.
So I rocked it.

Rocked the hat pretty hard.

Landon Tom from the THEJUMPOFFS is cool.
*But kids, smoking is not.

He's in LA.. I mentioned their mixtape.  Just wanted to remind you.

have a mix based on the song "IN THE CLOUDS"

cop it HERE

FIERO is my mentor. Like yoda- but they're kinda cuter.  And as a young jedi, I'm also part samurai.

I chose them as teachers, because they're MASTERS. 
And when I'm at club10255, it's like being in the best university, college, school whatever.

Fiero consists of:

They made a mixtape that is priceless.  And will probably never get dated.

The les aerobiques mixtape, Soundcloud download here.

So I'm still here in LA.  I've got to finish this mixtape, then I'm heading back to HAWAII for SHIMMER's birthday party at APARTM3NT.



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